To avail this service you have to subscribe to AskMe official account on WeChat and key in your location info. You will then get access to location based searches on WeChat platform itself. To subscribe, just search for AskMe under – Contacts»Add»Official Accounts – on WeChat and click on follow option in the yielded page. After keing in your location, you can also avail various deals and discounts on nearby Cafe, Cinemas, Spas etc using your WeChat account. WeChat games 5.1 provide you with 4 games for now which include Craz3 Match, Gunz Dash, 2days Match and Pencil Pilot. You can also share score with those in your friend list and also compete with them. You can also find location based competitors to further cater to your competitive spirit. You can find the Game center located under the “Discover” tab under messaging service. You can click on Download button by selecting any specific game. This will take you to the App store where you have to download it separately. It is an interesting measure undertaken by WeChat in the direction of making WeChat a “All in One Platform” as the company describes it. Earlier in China, WePop, a game based on WeChat became viral but its popularity plummeted soon after. The company has to keep a check on quality and quantity of WeChat games for this initiative to succeed.