“We have thought of mobile shopping from bottom up, without any previous assumptions of consumer behavior. Bargain is ingrained in nearly every Indian and is part of our everyday shopping. We are making something that will appeal to every Indian user in a natural way” said Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Founder & CEO of Paytm.

The bargaining will take place via text messenger chat and for the same purpose One97 Communications had acquired Plustxt messenger. The App features more than 100,000 items from 250 merchants in Men, Women, Kids fashion and Home Furnishing Categories. You can make payment through Paytm Cash, a wallet which complies with RBI standards. The App is available on Apple iTunes App store and will arrive on Google playstore by next week. The new Paytm app will be available to all 6 Million Paytm mobile app users by the end of February.