The Intel Learn Easy Steps curriculum is Intel’s marquee digital literacy training to enlighten and familiarize Indian citizens with the advantages of technology and train them to inculcate it as a routine process. Intel has already trained over 1.7 million individuals in India over the last eighteen months using this curriculum. Till now this training has been given face to face but now Intel has created an Android based application of the Intel Easy Steps curriculum to take this program to the next level Commenting on the occasion, Gregory Bryant, VP, Sales and Marketing Group, GM, Intel APAC said, “Technology has the ability to drive inclusive growth by enabling access to education, healthcare and government services. Digital literacy is the first step in empowering citizens to take advantage of these services. Intel is committed to driving digital literacy in India and we are proud to announce the launch of this new application that will help scale digital literacy to the grass roots.” Intel also completed its ‘Follow the Fiber’ program in 3 villages. Under this program it rolled out fiber optic cable in 3 villages and analyzed the impact of the same on the life of the villagers. Intel along with its NGO partner Digital Empowerment Foundation launched the ‘Follow the Fiber’ program in October 2012 with the aim of making 1 person/household e-literate in the three villages that received the National Optic Fiber Network namely Arain in Rajasthan, Naogang in North Tripura and Pravada in Andhra Pradesh. This mission has been accomplished for 1700 households in these three villages. Talking about the completion of the program, Debjani Ghosh, Managing Director, Intel South Asia said “The work done in these three villages under the National Digital Literacy Mission gives us insights into the challenges at the grass roots and the impact that digital literacy can have on the lives of people. We hope that the impact study we’re releasing today is helpful and will be utilized by the government and industry as they implement their digital inclusion programs.” At this event Intel recognized and honored the efforts of those who actively participated in this program including Trainers from the Digital Empowerment Foundation who helped spread tech awareness among villagers.