Statistics show us that Germany alone added 5015 megawatts of solar photovoltaic capacity in 2021. More than any other nation in the European Union. The 27 nations of the European Union raised their solar photovoltaic capacity by 22.8 gigawatts in 2021, compared to 15.6 gigawatts in 2019, illustrating the rising demand and higher energy output from solar power panels. Moving ahead, as the statistics above show the increasing demand for solar panel installation, one must also pay attention to the pros and cons before having solar power panels installed. One of the most asked questions is, “Is my roof going to leak when installing Solar Panels?” As rare as this phenomenon is, it is possible, owing to a few underhanded reasons.

Can Solar Panels Damage Your Roof?

One must look at a few vital points to determine if your roof can leak after installation. If leaking occurs after a fitting is done, it may be primarily due to improper fittings or a few other sneaky reasons, which you might uncover in the first year itself, as it starts to rain or snow and pour through the holes. This might happen due to spots that were required to be drilled to make fittings for the panels. However, it can be fixed quickly, too, as soon as you figure out why it’s happening before it causes any daunting damage to your home.

Top Reasons Your Solar Panels Might Be Leaking

1. Roof is Incompatible

Roof incompatibility is the most common reason for leaks to happen. Mostly, it’s easier for people to have a fitting done on an older roof. But a new solar panel is expected to produce energy for decades, and there are better ways to go than an old roof. This, in turn, calls for maintenance and repairs of old roofs. This points to more expenses, and no household owners are willing to procure those expenses, thus leading to leaks. Solar panels are compatible with most roof materials, but if you are still determining whether or not your roof is compatible, you must call for a professional roofer. It saves you from future hassles of leaks and gives you worry-free decades to enjoy this renewable energy.

2. Installation was Poor

Sometimes, people try to save money by getting the installation done with cheaper options. But they need to understand that trying to save money here will cost them a lot in the future. You must choose a professional to make your installation. Someone who also provides a warranty to fix any major or minor issues that come along the way. Given below are a few signs of poor installation-

Dangerously exposed wirings/cables Panels too close to your housing limits Not taking into consideration shading areas to panels Water damage to panels Panels being exposed to/exposing you to electrical hazards

3. Your Roof is Too Old

Many times people tend to look over this critical point before installation. You must always age your roof before deciding to install a solar panel. A strong roof will further concur to provide a good bond with the Soto; an old roof will only worsen it with time and cost you much more to mend the inconveniences. If your roof audit gives you a conclusion of an old and unstable roof, then it is suggested to have it repaired before making any installation.

4. Insufficient Planning

Insufficient planning is something which is the base of all leakage problems. It comes in handy, along with all the other ones mentioned above. A proper examination is required before deciding to get a solar panel. Proper planning to consider factors such as

Your roof age Who your contractor is going to be Are they providing you with warranty/after-sales service Are you willing to indulge in expenses that come along Expenses if you are required to repair your roof, etc. Like the ones mentioned above, you must consider these factors for effective planning to execute a good experience with your installed solar panels.

5. Inadequate Load Capacity

The capacity of your roof to bear the weight of the panels depends on various factors. Which are,

The condition and strength of your roof The number of panels you wish to install The weight of the panels you wish to install

The type of panel you wish you install (thin film solar panels are much more flexible and light as compared to mono-crystalline and polycrystalline solar panels). The magnitude of energy produced by your solar panels is another situation in which to take the load capacity into account. The magnitude of electricity produced by solar panels might vary depending on factors like-

The position of the panels Making sure the panels aren’t in partial/ too much shade It is kept considerably clean without any lying around leaves, dirt or dust It complies without the structure of your roof and also your property What To Consider Before Installing Solar Panels?

Getting a solar power panel is an important decision you would want to make, and thus, there are a few critical factors you must consider before you make that decision, such as,

Ageing your roof Selecting a professional contractor/installer Expenses you are willing to incur Will you be provided with a warranty or after-sales service? Deciding upon the type of solar panel you want to install

Caring For Roof and Installation

If you hire a professional team to do your installations, you won’t have to worry about anything after installation since they will take care of everything for you. However, you can do a few things on your part to ensure efficiency and longevity on behalf of the working of the panels, such as,

An annual audit of your solar panel performance to avoid any mishaps Ensure your roof’s age and how it is doing after installation. After installation, you must keep your panels free of dust, dirt, leaves and snow. Try to clean your panels with a soft cloth or paper. If you are willing to indulge in fancier things, you can buy specialised solar panel cleaning tools to keep the glass safe. Avoid solar panels being placed in shady areas (since being covered in the shade affects their efficiency in producing energy)

Wrap Up

Before making the critical decision to install solar panels, you conduct thorough research to ensure you have answers to all questions. Questions which you’ll be asking yourself while executing the same. Also, connecting with a professional contractor/installer makes it easier for you in every aspect. With all said and done, given above are all the things you would need to consider before installing a solar panel and after. Now you may think about those and enjoy your clean, green, guilt-free energy. By using all the tips provided, you will not only be using your solar panels effectively but also increase their life, efficiency of performance and durability. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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